Sunday, May 25, 2014

2014 trying again

I first thought I would start blogging in July 2008 when I was going to Rome.  It wanted to create a journal of the trip and I had seen someone do it so I was excited to try.  It did not work.  As I think back to that trip 6 years ago, the days were very full with mornings at the conference, afternoons visiting historic landmarks - the Coliseum, St. Peter's Basilica including the Sistine Chapel, the Trevi fountain, the Pantheon and Castle Sant Angelo; and nights of dinners, cocktail parties etc. So no time to blog.  By the time I got back I clean forgot I had set up a blog and only recently did it come back to me that I had signed up here. I have been following a few persons as I try to figure out what I can write about.  I don't think it will be daily, or even weekly but I will try to find something.  My interests include technology, weather, reading, ballroom dancing, organizing and planning. Since we are now approaching the hurricane season perhaps I can start with the weather, although we always hope for an inactive season so there might not be much to write about there. We shall see.

I also have to figure out how to start another topic since Rome is long over
Perhaps by the next time.
By for now.

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